Thursday 8 October 2020

10 Ways to Win a Street Fight (2020)

It's unfortunate that the world is an extremely uneasy place in 2020, but it's no surprise that many people are dealing with their stress in violent ways. This video is for those who need #selfdefense fight tips to keep themselves and their loved ones safe. Remember that just watching a youtube video will not make you a better fighter; you must put these tips into training, and prepare both mentally and physically for a potential street fight. 10 Ways to win a street fight: 1. Identify Ego (1:06) 2. Verbal Diffusion (2:03) 3. Identify Aggressive Body Language (3:46) 4. Should I Throw the 1st Punch? (6:27) 5. Judging Distance/How to Make a Fist (8:49/10:33) 6. How to Block a Punch (11:47) 7. How to Take a Punch (14:26) 8. How to Finish a Fight/Situational Awareness (16:03/17:10) 9. How to Be Aggressive (17:55) 10. How to Beat and Aggressive Fighter (19:05) Enroll in our online striking & MMA courses: SUBSCRIBE TO GET MORE FIGHTTIPS► FOLLOW: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram |

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