Tuesday 8 June 2021

The story about my life Master Wong Little Dragon

The story about my life Master Wong Little Dragon For more info:👉 https://ift.tt/3cpQXof His is the first book in a series, a series in which Master Wong builds a story based upon his life. Born in northern Vietnam when the Vietnam War was still raging, Master Wong had a tough and violent upbringing and early years: known by his birth name of Hung. He had to become street smart and quick - both with his wits and with his fists - at a time in his life when most children are safe and secure within their families. Having both Vietnamese and Chinese parents meant that he couldn’t, and didn’t, fit in within any of the conflicting cultures. Regular beatings and unprovoked attacks were part of his daily life. Violence within Vietnam against Chinese origin, particularly those of mixed race, meant that the young Hung was always in danger as he was growing up. Learning how to survive was essential - and urgent. Whilst this book is a work of fiction, large parts are based upon facts - upon what actually happened to the young Master Wong. You will be told how his family has split apart: his father and older brother having to escape Vietnam as refugees and leaving Hung, his mother, and his younger brother fighting to survive day-to-day in a hostile environment. For years, those left behind did not know whether his father and brother were still alive and, if so, where they were. As a half-breed, Hung has no close friends. With no adult guidance and no boundaries being set for him, he starts to slide into a life of violence and crime. He has to wise up - and fast - but not before the perils of the life he has adopted and a cruel twist of fate combine to cause his involvement in the death of a young boy. Fearing retribution, Hung runs away to escape the severe punishment that he knows will befall him if he stays and, by chance, finds a home with a different kind of family. A home with a degree of stability and, most importantly, a mentor - the first proper one in Hung’s life. He is taught invaluable skills and how to accept responsibility. He matures as a person rapidly. How does one find, define or identify one’s destiny? Is there truly a difference between walking the path and knowing the path? Do we see our destiny clearly, or does it come to us gradually, as if out of a mist, while we ponder upon what it might look like? Are the paths of our lives always illuminated with love and understanding, guiding us effortlessly to a wondrous life? Master Wong - and the young Hung - disagree. From the vagaries of Mother Nature, the mercilessness of the sea, numerous terrors in the towns and villages, and the jungle, you will learn how hurt and harm - and even death - can be waiting to pounce at any time. These are the influences upon the young Master Wong and the environment in which he started his training in the various survival skills and battle-tested arts in which he is now an international expert.

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