Tuesday 26 October 2021

Tai Chi 5 Mins a day | 7 Day Challenge

Tai Chi 5 Mins a day | 7 Day Challenge https://ift.tt/3BaDdb9 I will be posting a five-minute Tai Chi Video, which you view right here on Youtube. If you like the five-minute video and wish to know more, you can click on the link to my website, where you can fill out the form to join in on my seven-day Tai Chi challenge. At the end of the challenge, if you crave more, you can send in a video that I can view, and if chosen, I will send you the entire Tai Chi course free of charge to start your full martial arts journey. NOW GET BACK TO YOUR TRAINING!! -Master Wong Out! Qigong and tai chi breathing Improves immunity. When your blood is fully oxygenated, it carries and absorbs nutrients and vitamins more efficiently. Essentially, the cleaner the blood, the harder it is for illnesses to stay put in your system. PHYSICALLY AND SPIRITUALLY CENTRED Studies have shown that Tai Chi – Qi Gong has all kinds of health benefits. For more info: https://ift.tt/3BaDdb9 The quiet and slowness of Tai Chi provide a chance to see ourselves clearly and objectively, with both our strengths and weaknesses. This beginner's course will give you the proper foundations in the three areas that you need to become physically and spiritually cantered. Having the correct foundations in Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and Meditation is necessary to move into being a Master. If you've ever seen people grouped moving gracefully in unison in a dance-like exercise in your local park, gym, or community center, you have witnessed the ancient Chinese arts of Tai Chi (Taiji) and Qigong. Tai Chi improves their health, strength, balance, coordination, concentration, and mental well-being. Most importantly, they are having fun while doing so! You can enjoy all these benefits yourself, regardless of your current level of physical fitness. The slow-motion moves of tai chi and Qigong utilize more of your muscles than other exercises, giving you a total-body workout. Since the moves are fluid and not rapid, the strain on your joints and ligament is kept at a bare minimum, reducing injury. All ages enjoy tai chi qigong and meditation, while the low intensity of the movements makes them especially well-suited for older people. PHYSICALLY AND SPIRITUALLY CENTRED Studies have shown that Tai Chi – Qi Gong has all kinds of health benefits, these are just a few... ✅ Improved Cognitive Function ✅ Slows Down the Ageing Process ✅ Mental Clarity ✅ Increased Energy ✅ Improved Performance ✅ Better Digestion ✅ Decreases stress, increases calm ✅ Relieves pain ✅ Detoxifies the body ✅ Improves immunity ✅ Lowers blood pressure. Are you ready to become TAI CHI – QI GONG MASTER? Click the link to get access to the training, For more info: https://ift.tt/3BaDdb9

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