Saturday 31 December 2022

I wish everyone a very happy and prosperous new year in 2023

I wish everyone a happy and prosperous new year in 2023. I will start my water fasting seven days from the 1st of January. You can join me or do an alternative fasting such as a juice fast (freshly juiced) along with the Tai Chi challenge. I would love to hear how you feel after you have completed this short journey with me. Message me from my website that you have joined me in the fasting, and leave a short message about how you feel. You will be entered into our 1st competition of the year. And if you like the Tai chi training, you will get the chance to win the Full Tai Chi course to continue your Tai Chi further. Click here for more info on Tai Chi. LET'S GET STARTED! 👉Click here. ⛅️Have a beautiful Christmas day! 🧘‍♂️Master Wong Out!

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