Thursday, 17 December 2020

Wing Chun vs Bodybuilder lesson 3

Wing Chun vs Bodybuilder ✅ Lesson 3 For a FREE Wing Chun Programme, Click Here: Have you ever felt like you’ve been a victim of bullying? You may even know someone who has been targeted but doesn’t have the confidence to do anything about it. ✅ Master Wong T-Shirt click here ► You want more Energy try is out 💪💪 Get your own and tell me what you think 🤔 Natural Shilajit: To get more energy dry this out: Use the Code: MASTERWONG to get discount The world often portrays life as being dominated by those who have superior “power”. What if there was a way to obtain ultimate confidence, reliable self-defense, and mastery of your true self? Many people who train, or those who may not train as much, have a misconception of what true strength is. There are many different systems of combat, self-defense, and martial arts that may not emphasize the concept of yin and yang, soft and hard or empty and full. Wing Chun, is one of the few arts that gave birth to the concept of harmonizing soft and hard principles to overcome an enemy. This is truly a beautiful journey into the world of Wing Chun, and how its influence continues until this day. “Absorb what is useful, Discard what is not, add what is uniquely your own.” - Bruce Lee FOLLOW MASTER WONG ON SOCIAL: ✅ FACEBOOK ► ✅ Instagram ► ✅ Twitter ► ✅ MW T-Shirt ► ✅ MW Book ► ✅ MW website ► ✅ Wing Chun Course ► ~ About Master Wong ~ Master Wong never had an easy life through childhood. Being bully from and a young age till his late teens, Master Wong has overcome this problem by changing his mindset which you'll read in this book. Call Little Dragon:

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