Wednesday 8 February 2023

SITUATIONAL AWARENESS IN A ROAD RAGE #roadrage #situationalawareness #kravmaga

READ OUR BLOG ON SURVIVING A ROAD RAGE: TIP 1: Curb your own rage Road rage includes speeding, tailgating, cutting drivers off, and making obscene gestures. Punitory or not – these actions could create a deadly scenario if they provoke aggression in another driver – the wrong driver. There will always be a small percentage of people on the brink of losing control at any second. A ticking time bomb behind the wheel, walking across the street, or even parked in their vehicle – so keeping your cool is paramount. Before hitting the road, it’s vital to be mentally prepared, giving yourself ample time to reach your destination. You’re more inclined to become impatient and take risks if you’re panicking to get from point A to point B in record time. Ensuring you have a clear head when driving can be life-saving, so entering your vehicle with a calm mindset is pivotal. Driving upset or heated can only exasperate a volatile situation. TIP 2: Practice defensive driving You could be sharing the road with someone in a hurry, having a bad day, or even under the influence of drugs or alcohol, making them more susceptible to reactive behavior. Being attentive to your driving and respectful of other drivers and pedestrians could be a changer. A single event does not often trigger road rage, so cutting someone off (even by accident) or refusing to let someone in could induce a quick, downward spiral for someone already revved up. TIP 3: Forget and eye for an eye Aggressive, retaliatory actions like excessively honking your horn is never advantageous. The often instinctual reaction is a surefire way to propel road rage and accidents. A Krav Maga mindset practices being pre-emptive rather than reactive. So, although tempting and often spontaneous, if someone tailgates, cuts you off, or hurls insults or obscenities, etc., the safest route is to stay in your lane – so to speak. Recoiling with equally destructive impulses like slamming on your brakes could be hazardous.

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