Sunday 12 February 2023

WEAPON DEFENSE TRAPPING DRILL #kravmaga #selfdefense #selfdefensetraining

LEARN MORE: On Doubt Doubt is the enemy. That pause, the inclination to back down, or more alarmingly, the third stress response – freeze. In any case, you have already defeated yourself, stuck in a position of extreme vulnerability. Fear and failure are classic for spawning hesitation. It becomes tricky and problematic when it’s paralyzing and reaches that pinnacle when you can’t act or deliberate alternative perspectives. Krav Maga uses the mind to instinctively train the body to react to danger. It trains and instills the mindset that you can survive. – That you can save yourself. Self-defense and Krav Maga, along with any martial arts discipline, reshape your control and vulnerability. It transforms our self-concept, dignity, and morale. Moreover, it can be a dynamic method to heighten fitness, confidence, and relaxation.

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