Thursday 28 March 2019

5 Boxing "Rules" Meant to be BROKEN!

Here are common misconceptions when it comes to #boxing, where Shane breaks 5 "rules" that are meant to be broken after your beginning phase. Fundamentals are extremely important for fighters just getting started, and you can never be too good at the basics, but some of the starter cues that we get can limit our abilities. After you feel you've surpassed that beginner phase, try experimenting with the following: 1. "Don't Cross Your Feet" 2. "Power = Knockouts" 3. "Pivot Your Feet On Your Lead Hook" 4. "Don't Chicken Wing Your Arm" 5. "Extend Your Legs when Throwing Uppercuts" Follow Shane on IG► SUBSCRIBE TO GET MORE #FIGHTTIPS► FOLLOW: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram |

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