Thursday 21 March 2019

5 Common Mistakes with the Back Kick (ft. KWONKICKER)

W.T.F. Taekwondo blackbelt Micah 'KWONKICKER' Brock shares 5 back kick mistakes that are common when throwing this spinning attack, including: 1. Spinning/over-rotating (this is a linear strike) 2. Stepping across with the lead foot (instead of stepping towards the target) 3. Not following through/stopping at impact (extend your leg through the target for maximum damage) 4. Keeping the support leg stationary (you should slide your grounded foot towards the target) 5. Striking with the ball of the foot (you must strike with the heel for maximum impact) Kwonkicker's Back Kick KO► SUBSCRIBE TO GET MORE #FIGHTTIPS► FOLLOW: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram |

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