Sunday 17 March 2019

Kwonkicker x Shane Fazen: Sparring & Seminar

Micah "Kwonkicker" Brock and I teamed up to hold a Taekwondo for Kickboxing seminar, followed by some full-contact sparring! My Next Seminar in Austin, TX (March 24)► SUBSCRIBE TO GET MORE #FIGHTTIPS► After a long hiatus due to a serious health condition (tinnitus), my friend Kwonkicker is back to training & teaching again! I had him over to stay at my place for a few days, where we filmed a bunch of tutorials, taught a striking seminar here in Los Angeles, and capped it off with a friendly sparring session where we flowed with our blended Taekwondo & Muay Thai backgrounds. Check out the full sparring session on Micah's channel below! KWONKICKER's Channel► FOLLOW: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram |

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